Sunday, June 9, 2024

Protein Motors

Your Body’s Molecular Machines

Indexed by Richard A. Hart, PhD

24 April 2024

A. Three microtubule fibers that
direct where protein motors walk.

B. Green: Dynein protein motor carrying a red cargo from the nucleus (left) to the edge of the cell (right).

C. Red: cargo is a stop signal during cell division (mitosis).

D. Blue: protein motor can carry a cargo from the edge of a cell to the nucleus.

E. A protein motor is made of many different molecules

0:00 The molecular machines (now named protein motors) in animation.

0:46 DNA needs protein motors to do the work of separation during cell division.

1:17 Copying DNA.

2:24 Leave animation of nucleus.

2:33 View cell division with a microscope.

3:24 One chromosome on a microtubule fiber in animation.

3:45 Microtubules attached to chromosome kinetochore.

4:40 Dynein protein motor.

4:56 Astounded by this discovery (revelation) a few decades ago.

From Jesus in the Nano World (Google and scroll down to find it. Then scroll down to “Factual Internet Links to Cultural Evolution”.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fourth Cell Organelle Found

  UCYN-A the Fourth Cell Organelle Found

Indexed by Richard A. Hart, PhD

1 May 2024

Organelles as they appeared over billions of years.

Blue, nucleus, by cell wall folding, 2 Billion years ago.

Green, mitochondria, a bacterium, 1B, energy as ATP.

Lilac, chloroplast, a cyanobacteria, 1B, photosynthesis. 

Cyannitroplast, 100 million years ago and reported just two weeks ago. Changes nitrogen in the air to ammonia that plants can use. Nitrogen fertilizer costs about $100 per acre for corn and soybeans about half that amount. 

Microscopic view of Braarudosphaera bigelowii

  Four Organelles and Flagella     Black arrow is pointing to nitroplast  (Credit: Tyler Coale)


Google the above site and view three stages of the algal cell in division.


1.     UCYN-A relies on proteins from its host cells.”


2.     the process of replication and division of the algal host and endosymbiont is synchronized, which provided the first strong evidence” it was an organelle.


3.     round half of the proteins in UCYN-A are made by the algal host cell, then labeled with a specific amino acid sequence, which tells the cell to send them to the nitroplast.”


4.     “That’s one of the hallmarks of something moving (changing) from an endosymbiont to an organelle,” said Zehr. “They start throwing away pieces of DNA, and their genomes get smaller and smaller, and they start depending on the mother cell for those gene products – or the protein itself – to be transported into the cell (organelle).”,   human mitochondrial genome

[Google: Jesus in the Nano World. Click on Outlines. Click on this page.]



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A list of presentation outlines used to introduce people to the nano world and related comments. Facts that support more than one friendly view.

Indexed Presentations

Ready to review and present with an Internet connection. 

01. Several eye witnesses may each report experiencing the same thing very differently until there is adequate discussion and understanding. Indexing allows picking out short sections for introduction and discussion to the point there is understanding as well as entertainment (15-60 min).
A 15-20 min introductory selection of ten items is marked.

02. The unbelievable protein motors that change energy into doing real work in the cell (15-60 min).

03. The fourth cell organelle found that makes nitrogen in the air usable in plant cells (15-25 min).

Related Comments 

01. Print a copy of the index as your presentation notes and comments.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

How the Brain Shapes Reality

How the Brain Shapes Reality
Indexed by Richard A. Hart, PhD
20 April 2024
How the Brain Shapes Reality, 60 min, 2024, by Andy Clark


This index was created to help me discuss this presentation in several settings. My short term memory is about nonfunctional but I refuse to "retire". Science and religion are dependent upon how humans evolve to view and understand the world. Your comments are welcome. What we sincerely believe is real to each regardless of what we experience or believe.


01  00:00  nail in foot 

A man screams in terrible pain on seeing that a nail penetrated his work boot. The nail went between his toes with no injury.

02  01:48  prediction machine 

His brain predicted that a nail through his boot would hurt bad therefore it did.

03  02:50  hollow mask

A clear face mask appears to face you when it does and when it does not even though you can see the difference. Your current observation cannot correct your strong expectation. 

04  06:40  sine-wave speech

An altered speech is played; then normal speech; and then the altered speech again. The first sample is not understandable; the second time it is played it is understandable. [Andy Clark has an accent. I had little problem on the second or third play of this presentation.] 

05  09:20  guessing machine

The brain is always trying to guess what will happen next.

06  09:44  modified prediction

Raw sensory information is never experienced: it is always modified.

07  11:20  predictive processing (PP)

How the brain balances predictions and sensory information.

08  12:18  books

Predictive processing or active inference and emotions.

09  14:45  predicting the present

This leaves the need to deal with residual errors.

10  15:00  prediction errors

Only these need further processing. 

11  17:00  1959 TV cartoons

Early TV signals only transmitted what changed between frames.

12  18:35  inside out

There is more wiring carrying information out than in.

13  18:40  energy budget

Most of the energy is spent maintaining the generative models that issue predictions. 

14  19:30  pression weighting

The brain estimates how much information to take from the model and from sensory experience.

15  25:50  high sensory

This is high in relation to model information, not high as a count.

16  26:27  autisim

High sensory information results in autistic behavior; seeks quiet places.

17  28:38  high predictions

This is high in relation to sensory information.

18  28:48  hallucinations 

High model information results in hallucinations.

19  30:15  alter sensory experience

Strong predictive models can alter sensory experience. 

20  30:30  self-confirming cycles

This can lead to self-confirming cycles.

21  31:07  experimental verification

Expectation creation,” real stimuli”, expectation-induced effects reported. 

22  33:32  chronic pain

Is poorly related to a cause.

23  36:39  idiosyncratic predictive

This gets related to more “causes” with more time.

24  38:01  install different predictions

The good news is to install different predictions.

25  38:17  placebos

Surgery, athletes, and “honest” placebos.

26  40:36  pain reprocessing theory (PRT)

With the ChronicPain Cycle the prediction becomes the problem.

27  44:48  psychosomatic (FND)

Functional neurological disorder with no cause 16%.

28  45:18 sensorimotor aspects

Unexplained cases of fatigue, weakness, and tremor.

29  45:45  loss of vision

Full recovery (as happens in high quality memory care).

30  48:43  mind/body one

The mind and body dualism model creates a false divide between psychiatry and neurology. 

31  49:45  hack predictive brains

Using virtual reality (VR) to alter precision-weightings and seed alternative predictions.

32  50:34  verbal reframing

Providing alternative views in a non-threating environment.

33  51:13  meditation

A powerful way of gaining control over the precision-weight aspect of our prediction machinery.

34  52:33  large differences between individuals

This suggest genetic differences.

35  55:58  predictive processing (PP) evolving into a scientific theory

Associating the big picture with specific implementation commitments makes things testable.

36  56:37  the relationship between conscious and unconscious predictions

No one knows.

37  57:04  the interplay between predictive brains and human-built worlds

Material culture and its influence on the predictive brain.

38  57:37  predictive brains will share the world with AI forms of predictive intelligence

This new environment will select for a reshaped species in the future.

39  58:04  why and how conscious experience is possible 


40  58:50  a small set of factors combine to yield a striking range of differences in experiences

(Predictions, precisions, and prediction errors} as in chemistry (the periodic table of the elements) and evolution (DNA).

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Cultural Evolution, Abbreviated


Richard Allen Hart, PhD    6 Dec 1930—(18 MAR 2024)

This I Believe   Cultural Evolution    Factual Links    Related Topics    Outlines

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[Sample 10-50 Minute Presentation Cut from Blog for Your Use]

CAUTION If you have not had the opportunity to learn to hold more than one view of a situation in mind without the need to destroy all others, you may erroneously assume to be offended or at risk. PLEASE first read “This I Believe-Classical”. Ideas and beliefs can exist above the level of natural brute force behavior and biological evolution. Your original beliefs can be enriched by a changing lifetime environment. Different beliefs can thrive (coexist) when they do no harm.

The part that God has in directed evolution must now be examined in this newly found world of nanobiology. The cost to cure sickle cell anemia (video 13 min, 2024) is now between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 and takes 1 year of periodic readily available hospital visits.

Nanobiology clipsThe human cell5 minStrange motor proteinloop. Tiny molecular machines6 min, that can react with the speed of light and rotate as fast as a jet engine. One 20-year human generation equals 350,000 microbe generations! This is in contrast to macroevolution that is too slow to be observed directly. Wikipedia microevolution is where evolution must take place.


Harvard (BioVisions) Inner Life of the Cell with Music min, 2022, with titles. With narration: min, 2022. With neither: min, 2012. 

Your Body's Molecular Machines min, 2018. 

How these Animations were Made, DNA animation (2002-2014) by Drew Berry and Etsuko Uno, 7 min, 2019, very good.  Size and time (speed).

Newer DNA Sequencing

How does the Oxford Nanopore Work?, 2 min, 2016, super good video of the artificial cell wall pore, and motor protein. 

Bioengenineered cell membrane natural sized nanopores that transport a single strand of RNA or DNA through an electric field that detects each nucleotide in a DNA strand in about ten minutes. No dyes needed. how nanopore sequencing works2 min, 2019, very good.

How does nanopore DNA sequencing work? min, 2024 company edition, super good. DNA Damage Response, 4 min, 2018, a breast cancer cure. DNA is damaged thousands of times a dayThe DNA polymerase protein molecules are in such a high concentration they can repair damage almost instantly. DNA polymerase DNA replication png3 min, 2015, 3D film. The repair operation is the same thing done on the lagging DNA strand. Run the film again to verify.

 Current Research 2024

Australia rock. 

3 min, 2020. First life on earth 2 - 3 billion years ago. NASA seeing is believing. Microbial mat.

Where to find ancient life now on our world? white smoker deep sea vents, temperature and pressure. min, 2021

Where to find life other than on our world? min, 2015

We know the Old Testament. A correcting, more powerful, story is told in the New Testament.  I believe the time has come for a newer more complete story that includes God's secret nano world (scroll to genetics). It does not limit the power of the concept of god or the way god works. It allows living in peace in a mature religious/spiritual (R/S) world visualized by science. 

              This I Believe   Cultural Evolution    Factual Links     Related Topics [four links]

  Epilogue (at end of Related Topics)

Biological evolution follows two basic rules: (8 Mar 2024)
1. A supportive environment (niche).
2. A self reproducing entity with variation (errors). 

Cultural evolution adds two more basic rules:
3. Spiritual-and-religious. Unverifiable single beliefs.
4. Science. Verifiable and verified group beliefs.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Related Topics Linked to Cultural Evolution

                                              Related Topics Linked to Cultural Evolution

This I Believe   Cultural Evolution    Factual Links     Related Topics    Outlines   

Gene Editing

Gene Editing: should we be worried?, 25 min, 2023. At 9:41min CRISPR, 10:40 sickle-cell, 12:40 deafness, 18;30 agriculture, 21:30 wooly mammoth. Also scan the search list on right side of the screen, for God and for ethics.

The story behind gene editing, The background to The Genetic Revolution, CRISPR: We can play God, 48 min, 2023. The Manipulation of Human DNA | Documentary, The CRISPR Apostle: Rodolphe Barrangou, 12 min, 2023. How an editing gene was found trying to produce better yogurt. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR), Nobel winners Doudna and Charpentier discover how CRISPR Cas9 gene editing works. 14 min, 2023. How they found the key to directed evolution.

Origin of Life

Special issue of Life, 2024,, the current state of knowledge,  "Opinion: The Key Steps in the Origin of Life to the Formation of the Eukaryotic Cell". Click Feature Papers in Origins of Life for the entire issue.

The NIH is serious about the origins of live. ‘Whole Organism’, Systems Biology, and Top-Down Criteria for Evaluating Scenarios for the Origin of Life,
Religion, Spirituality and Health Scientific Interest Group: Harmonizing the Spiritual and Scientific Worldviews,, 60 min, 2021.

On the Origins of Life,  Charles Marshall,, 79 min, 2022. At 17:58 key steps, 37:03 vent chimney micro chambers , 40:21 late membrane, 42:58 between species. Micro chamber researchers: Google Mike Russell, Bill Martin, and Nick Lane. Some 45 years ago underocean hot vents added a new source for the origin of life shared with other planets. Very good., 2023, Biochemist Lane Talks Theory on Origin of Life at the NIH, 2023.

What was the First Virus?, 27 min, 2022. At 5 min live, at 12 min time, at 16 min summary, at 21 min origins (large virus before cells?)., 65 min, 2023, super good video. The Scientists Beginning To Doubt The Theory Of Evolution | Unlocking The Mystery Of Life | Parable. The 1993 meeting of just 4 people that gave rise to Intelligent Design (ID) including irreducible complexity at 18:20 min. The validity of these rationalizations becomes questionable when their applications are examined and then discredited with more recent discoveries.

Creationism is a literal belief in the Bible. Creation Science is a way to stop teaching evolution in United States schools. As named "Intelligent Design" it failed several ways in several court cases. The most recent product is a video of belief, fact, and politics by a group known for influencing elections. It is TV quality. 

Intelligent Design versus Evolution 2010. Easy to read including "irreducible complexity" that is disproved in the following item.

The Collapse of Intelligent Design:Kenneth R. Miller Lecture,, 218 min, Recorded 2006. It is all good. At 15:00-16:53 min: facts support theory. At 25:00-30:00 rewrote science definition. At 35:35-39:37 fused chromosome 2. At 39:40-51:24 irreducible complexity. At 51:24-62:00 a religion (59:00 textbook graph showing transition of creationism into intelligent design in 1987). At 64:00-69:00 how science deals with new ideas and what is at stake.

Important issues came up in the following question period. At 129 min: "a genuinely religious person" can "be fully excepting of science as a way to learn about the natural world." 
At 134 min: "science is apolitical", "scientific rationalism", "science and religion can coexist in peace", "fear of science as the basis of morality", "science is, in fact, a threat to religious beliefs." At 147 min: creationism: "creation science, intelligent design, and new critical analysis of evolution."

    [Creationist is mentioned in Charles Darwin's unpublished 1842 manuscript. Scientific creationism and then creation 
      science became popular in the 1960s; Intelligent design in the 1990s; and critical analysis of evolution in the 2000s.]
At 150 min: a new gene? nylonase < 65 years, 1,138,000 generations (22,750,000 human years); TNT ingredient < 90 years, 1,575,000 generations . This is the time needed only for a new gene, not a new species of life. [30 min per microbe generation.]

Science relates tested facts into theories about what may be real. Creationism relates selected facts and beliefs into a theory of what is held as real. Science matures into many disciplines. Creationism is acceptable to many denominations in varying degrees.  What a genuinely religious person believes, is real to that person. What a scientist believes may be real until sufficient verification establishes that it is real for all.

Has Space Exploration Aided The Case For Creationism? | The Call Of The Cosmos | Parable,, 57 min, 2023. At 0:00 min moon landing.  At 26:58 Carol Sagan. At 31:55 Aurora borealis. At 49:10 bionanoworld. At 54:29 Gaza Strip. Superb videography 17 years after the above.  Scan the list of 40 Parable videos on the right side of the screen. 

The music is highly emotional for grandparents as we approach the 2024 presidential election. In the past 17 years this group has shifted its background, from directly apposing evolution in education, to entertainment (Discovery  The bionanoworld is introduced, in awe, very effectively with no factual comment.

How reading an entire DNA genomic history has implications for the origin, evolution, and loss of traits that is longer, more complete, and more detailed than from fossils and rocks. 

Mitochondrial DNA variation in Human Origins and Disease,, Case University, 58 min, 2017. At 40 min the variations in Human Origins derived from female mitochondria.

A Mitochondrial Etiology of Common Complex Disease, min, 2018. At 5 min anatomical and Mendelian (nuclear chromosomal). At 7 min bioentergentic dysfunction (female mitochondrial)., 2017-2018. A very good summary. The comments cover about everything. Again a true believer may see all three as real and acts accordingly.

Cultural Conflict

Religion, Spirituality and Health Scientific Interest Group: Harmonizing the Spiritual and Scientific Worldviews, (external link), 60 min, 2021. At 0 min belief. At 16:30 min Stephen Colbert. At 24:24 min atheism, 26:42 agnosticism, 29:20 creationism, 29:54 intelligent design, 33:19 evolutionary creation, 35:09 book &, and 37:00 epidemic.                         [Membership]

Dr. Francis Collins created BioLogos to promote a best synthesis of belief and science, based on what was practiced and on what was known at the time. Later he found changing the behavior of evangelicals and Pentecostals (fastest growing denomination in the world) very difficult as the director of the National Institute of Health, during the COVID-19 epidemic.               

Faith is believing. Seeing is believing. After seeing the microbes during WW2 a Pacific Ocean tribe threw a microscope into the ocean to avoid needing a vaccination (punch line). Cargo Cult. Related to stressful times and charismatic expressions/leaders such as evangelicals.

[21 Mar 2024] I found the third citation below. It never occurred to me to search for "cultural evolution". The topic is throughly covered and currently engaged as natural experiments in many ways with, possibly, the exception of the nano world; the subject of this blog.               [Membership]   [Political think tank]

It will take me several weeks to explore all of this. My original concern was making the facts of the nano world believable and understandable. That alone does not make them acceptable when they must compete with the current situation in many parts of our culture: education, commerce, industry, entertainment, government, religion, and science.


Rapid progress is now being made in many areas because of a change in attitude. A lot of what tradition has taught us in the past is now being scientifically questioned again in the new worlds we live in. We can see and detect things never possible just a few decades ago.

"No pain: No gain" has been replaced with "appropriate" for long COVID patients (do not overexercise; I am living this.). The gigantic decline and increase in the California migratory monarch butterfly population count came from choosing to count in traditional locations rather than counting where the butterflies chose to overwinter (a multimillion dollar blunder).

Now that the location for the origin of life maybe found on any planet with liquid water and hot water vents in the open and under ice, life has recently been found in hot springs here on earth (because it was now looked for there). 

The longterm belief that humans had a special creation and that each organized religion was better than all the rest creates enemies rather than friends. It is a barrier to believing in multiple ways related to your age and education. "Jesus loves me this I know" is very comforting to a 5-year old and a 95-year old. We should not put limits on what God can do and how it is done. We should increasonaly marvel at all of the new information about the creation. 

False Advertising

The best of intentions can go array when what is said in one setting has unexpected responses in another. [University of Missouri settles lawsuits over knee surgeries involving veterinarian. $16.2 million, Mar 12, 2021,] 

One of the following statements by Washington State University is only partly correct, which helps generate misconceptions.

First university to put gene-edited livestock into human food supply,


"Gene-editing can make changes in an organism’s DNA that could occur in nature or through selective breeding but would take much longer without a tool like CRISPR.


Essentially a high-tech form of selective breeding, surrogate sire technology can greatly expand dissemination of valuable genetics in livestock. 


 Gene-editing is a modern, cutting-edge technology that works only within a species’ DNA* and can make changes that could come about naturally or through traditional breeding practices.

The public often holds many misconceptions about gene-editing, Oatley said, and hopes that the WSU example will help dispel misinformation and improve perceptions of this technology."

“'There’s a trust that comes with university-based research,” he said. “At WSU, we’re all about the science. We just want to make sure the research is valid, and the animals we produce are healthy.'”

*"It works only within a species' DNA" until a native head and anchor group is added to the foreign DNA.

                          This I Believe   Cultural Evolution    Factual Links     Related Topics


Biological evolution follows two basic rules: (8 Mar 2024)
1. A space (environment) niche.
2. A self reproducing entity (with variation). 

Cultural evolution adds two more:
3. Spiritual-and-religious (S/R). Unverifiable beliefs.
4. Science. Verifiable beliefs and verified beliefs. 

How long it will take for the nano world to be generally accepted at the S/R level is 
an unknown. The scientific discovery of an origin of life (self reproduction) is now eminent. Many of the factors involved are discussed in the "Four Stages of Spiritual Evolution" by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming in 2022

The time to find the conditions under which life originated has greatly shorted by finding the hot under ocean vents and by a definition of what life is. In fact, the three digit nucleotide codes are different in microbes leading to a new phylum of life.

There are two competing factors that have an ever increasing effect on cultural evolution. The range and rate of things that people choose to be offended by is increasing as more people are crowded into less space. This includes choosing to label people as enemies. We can only productively discuss emotional things with friends.

Cultural evolution has been unpredictable. It took two world wars involving Christian nations and 80 years for the Euro to be created (and fail to establish a nation for the displaced). It took 50 years for Columbia, MO, to become tobacco smoke free (and a few more to approve tax free vaping).  

My attempt to ground my beliefs in current knowledge without giving the traditional appearance that everyone should believe the same is still a problem. I need a real example that everyone can relate to. 

The current mix of beliefs associated with Christianity and "strong man" politics may be as good an example of a natural experiment as COVID-19 where registered Republicans died at a higher rate than registered Democrats and continue to do so with lower Republican vaccination rates. 

Traditional scientific research attempts to get a useful glimpse of this with the fewest observations; with the lowest cost in time and money. Noble prizes are won by people who are the best at generating in their minds what those observations should be and in being open to observe and question unpredicted observations. 

A couple of simple examples from my USDA-ARS in Hawaii and Florida: What diet does a fruit fly prefer and then lay the most eggs? Put diets in small paper cups on the cage floor. Count the number feeding periodically. For several days no fly was found feeding! But one diet was gone. They can fill up on a preferred diet in seconds outside of office hours.

Then I was flown to Florida. The laboratory could not get their fruit flies to lay eggs. It was the laziest fly I have ever seen. I watched for several hours. Then I smeared the diet near their preferred resting area. They fed. They laid eggs the next day. You must imagine their world. This is part of the fun in a lot of science drudgery.

[23 Mar 2024], Ron Vale - Marvelous Molecular Motors, 72 min, 2023. All good. At 38:30 min hypothesis. 41:15 min surprise, 68:00 min XBio:, The Explorer's Guide to Biology, For self-learners and higher education students, free online biology textbook replacement presented with the fun and luck of doing science.

The separation of spirituality/religion (S/R) and science is dependent upon what evidence or results you are willing to accept. The scientific study of S/R has finally come into vogue (see Cultural Conflict above). S/R can enrich its beliefs from science. Science can benefit from valid experimental designs for selected longterm practices associated with S/R beliefs, but not from beliefs alone. 

God plays fair. The traditional distribution in research results is the shape of any pile of small objects: sand, shelled corn, wheat, or marbles (bell-shaped-curve). When results deviate from this it is cause for concern. 

God's natural occurring bell-shaped-curve is the dividing line. This is most easily seen in numbers: 1 X 1 = 1 and 1 / 1 = 1 , that is S/R. Science deals in the average of populations (samples) of more than one: 2 X 2 = 4, 3 X 3 = 9, 4 X 4 = 16, etc.

True believers do not need to tryout several different religions. Their needs are 100% satisfied. There is no variation (variance). There is no need for discussion.

The quincunx (or Galton Board) See how God actually works at the extreme end of values starting with zero commonly used in science. This is a very misleading view of what happens at the nano world scale where things happen over millions of years and generations occur many times faster. What appears as random chance becomes near certainty in the nano world. God's creative will, to match organism with environment, can be visualized with a Galton board.    

Something that happens on average once every 1,000,000,000 times over a period of 1,000,000,000,000,000 times can be expected to happen 1,000,000 times. This would take microbes and virus, reproducing every 30 minutes, 350,000 generations to span one 20-year human life cycle. 

Play with the Galton Board. Get the feel. Creativity, in art, is something different. In genetics it is error. The normal curve develops imperfectly almost every time. It develops more perfectly with more counts and greater range (1-14). Scientific work tended to use 20-100 counts with a range of around 6 until the era of gigantic COVID-19 data banks where counts are in millions with a range of several dozen. Scroll down to one Standard Deviation (SD) at 68% of sample, 2 SD at 95%, and 3 SD at 99.7%. This works for all numbering systems. The 1 SD marks where the curve changes bending from one direction to the other. [Use the link above to return to the quincunx or Galton Board (or Search Galton).] 

[Now it just happens that the 2 SD at 95% is the 5% level of significance (statistically significant). And the 3 SD at 99.7% is the 1% level of significance. A ball is expected to land this far from each average, by random (creative) chance alone, equal or less than 5% and 1% of the time, for the average set of several runs. Evolution has had billions of runs.]

[Pascal's Marble Run - or the Deterministic Galton Board,, An elaborate demonstration of probabilities. Galton was Darwin's cousin. He was thrilled by his invention. Francis Galton coined the term "eugenics".  It took until 1995 for Canada to undo a law based on "crude misconceptions of heredity". The United States has yet to do this.] Culture changes slowly.

As the months roar by our natural experiment in government will become increasingly entangled with more religious and political beliefs, the nano world, and verified science. My best guess is that an unexpected event is most likely to change the sequence of events. The natural experiment continues until the genetic errors inherent in evolution and the matching educational environment become manageable.

Beliefs can take effect in little time and with little understanding. A two year research project can take four to five years to produce useful results. The first emphasizes memory, the second understanding. The optimum environment for humans is the best goal; not the perfect environment for one individual or small group. The optimum environment is not left to chance; to finance education by each school district. 

                 This I Believe   Cultural Evolution    Factual Links     Related Topics

'(A good starting point is the 2003 government report "Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness," available at' I have yet to read this.

The goal of cultural evolution research is to learn enough to promote cultural evolution beyond the basic biological-power-makes-right, to a universal set of oaths and rules that are held sacred peacefully with and without a religion. 

[12 Apr 2024] A place for religion in nanotechnology debates - Lutheran Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology, 2002-2009.

[10 Apr 2024] UMC Official: Christians, Jews, and Muslims on Same “Spiritual Journey”, 2016.

Cultural Evolution


Richard Allen Hart, PhD    6 Dec 1930—(30  Feb  2024)

This I Believe   Cultural Evolution    Factual Links     Related Topics   Outlines

[Click browser back button (<) or ALT < to return from a link]

[10-50 minute sample presentation]

CAUTION If you have not had the opportunity to learn to hold more than one view of a situation in mind without the need to destroy all others, you may erroneously assume to be offended or at risk. PLEASE first read “This I Believe-Classical”. Ideas and beliefs can exist above the level of natural brute force behavior and biological evolution. Your original beliefs can be enriched by a changing lifetime environment. Different beliefs can thrive (coexist) when they do no harm.

Learning how evolution works is the foundation for an endless need for medical intervention to correct its errors. Sequence the genes in the placenta. Scan for errors. Release a correct copy into a Biobot (How Nano Robots Will Change Medicine Forever | NanoSyrinx, 33 min, 2023) to repair the defective gene. Or sickle cell anemia ( 13 min, 2024, for between two and three million dollars and 1 year of frequent readily available hospital stays.


There is a fortune to be made in servicing the genetically ill and in providing the needed tools.(Nanotechnology & NanoMedicine | Andrew Hessel | Exponential Medicine 2015, 25 min, 2015).  The part that God has in directed evolution must now be examined in this newly found world of nanobiology. The $3.1 billion All of Us ( project has identified 1 billion human genetic variants in 250,000 participants of which 4 million may be tied to disease risks tied to 117 diseases (2024).


Nanobiology clipsThe human cell, 5 min. ( protein, loop. ( machines6 min, ( that can react with the speed of light and rotate as fast as a jet engine. One 20-year human generation equals 350,000 microbe generations! This is in contrast to macroevolution that is too slow to be observed directly. Wikipedia microevolution


The Nobel Prize was awarded to Frances Arnold in 2018 for inventing directed evolution in the 1980s. Breeding Better Enzymes ( "We often find that it's hard to improve enzymes for natural functions or natural environments. But it's really easy to improve them to do something different from what nature is asking them to do.” God has done well in matching gene and environment. It is a natural process. The process needs no miracle. Its does require understanding.


“I capitalized on that by finding that beneficial mutations would lie in areas of the protein that people thought were not important. That cemented this idea in people's minds that evolution was a good teacher.” Randomizing DNA and selecting desired traits is still faster than theory. [Revolutionary DNA nanotechnology speeds up development of vaccines by more than one million times]

DNA is frequently damaged but high concentrations of DNA polymerases ( keep 3 billion human nucleotides repaired; less than one error in a billion nucleotides. This applies to gene editing errors too. The unbelievable story told by the motor proteins ( promote science and medicine as well as anti-science and conspiracy theories. The origin of life is still scientifically unknown.


The following links to this page are divided into "factual" and "related" to emphasize the reason they were selected, not that they are 100% either. Both can generate authoritative power. Each is valid in its own area. When science or religion become political they risk loosing their validity (COVID-19).  Each issue needs to be decided on its own merits. Abortion, in vitro fertilization, and gene editing all have related biological, medical, and cultural factors in this 2024 election.  

We know the Old Testament. A correcting, more powerful, story is told in the New Testament.  I believe the time has come for a newer more complete story that includes God's secret nano world (national geographic nanotechnology.)  And size (

It does not limit the power of the concept of god or the way god works. It allows living in peace in a mature religious/spiritual (R/S) ( visualized by science. 

                     This I Believe   Cultural Evolution    Factual Links     Related Topics

  Epilogue (at end of Related Topics)

Biological evolution follows two basic rules: (8 Mar 2024)
1. A space (environment) niche.
2. A self reproducing entity (with variation, errors). 

Cultural evolution adds two more:
3. Spiritual-and-religious (S/R). Unverifiable individual beliefs.
4. Science. Verifiable and verified group beliefs.

[Final edit will remove most listed, printed, uniform resource locators (URLs)]