Sunday, March 3, 2024

Factual Internet Links to Cultural Evolution

                                             Factual Internet Links to Cultural Evolution                                                                                             

    Introduction to God's Million Year Secret Nano World

Nanotechnology & NanoMedicine | Andrew Hessel | Exponential Medicine 2015, 25min. Self-assembling, number, and size.

A Biobot (How Nano Robots Will Change Medicine Forever | NanoSyrinx, 33 min, 2023)

Harvard (BioVisions) Inner Life of the Cell with Music min, 2022, with titles. With narration: min, 2022. With neither: min, 2012. 

Your Body's Molecular Machines min, 2018. 
motor protein changes ATP chemical energy to work. Also, Ron Vale (UCSF, HHMI) 1: Molecular Motor Proteins, 35 min, 2017, super good

Log into Wikipedia to fully open Google Wikipedia listed items and scan the find list on right side.

WEHImovies (The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) in Australia. Pick from 76 videos. U UTAH. Pick from 689 video talks nicely sorted by topic.

How these Animations were Made, DNA animation (2002-2014) by Drew Berry and Etsuko Uno, 7 min, 2019, very good.  Size and time (speed).

Molecular animation – Tech Talk by Drew Berry (2022)., 37 min, 2022. Browning movement and ATP.

Animations of unseeable biology | Drew Berry | TEDYouTube·TED·Jan 12, 2012, 9 min., 2022, endless loop. Draw ATP synthase using pdb files with Blender free software. Do it yourself!

Newer DNA Sequencing

How does the Oxford Nanopore Work?, 2 min, 2016, super good video of the artificial cell wall pore, and motor protein. 

Bioengenineered cell membrane natural sized nanopores that transport a single strand of RNA or DNA through an electric field that detects each nucleotide in a DNA strand in about ten minutes. No dyes needed. how nanopore sequencing works2 min, 2019, very good.

How does nanopore DNA sequencing work? min, 2024 company edition, super good.

BestDx Academy, same as above. catalog of how a dozen work, 2024, up to date.

The history of third generation DNA sequencing using bionanoengineered nanopores to correct errors and omissions in first and second (next) generation DNA sequencing methods., 29 min, 2024, very good.

Genome Sequencing for Pathogen Discovery - Joseph DeRisi (UCSF, HHMI),, 26 min, 2018. Sequencing millions of fragments at a time by one photo with each addition of a nucleotide and using a computer to sort out overlapping sequences including the details of a complete study. Very good.
Old DNA Agar Gel and Packed Columns Sequencing Systems Still in Use

Bringing the cost of sequencing down from millions of dollars over years to less than a thousand dollars in a few hours resulted from the co-evolution of nucleotide detection and software to sort and match billons of DNA fragments. Next Generation Sequencing 1: Overview - Eric Chow (UCSF), 30 min, 2018, very good. Three leading tool makers at that time (dated). DNA Damage Response, 4 min, 2018, a breast cancer cure. DNA is damaged thousands of times a day DNA polymerase DNA replication png, 3 min, 2015, 3D film. This polymerase produces new DNA strands and repairs DNA damage.

"Epigenetics refers to mechanisms of gene expression regulation that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence." Introduction to Epigenetics -, 13 min, 2019, a checklist as genes are expressed?
Basic Primer in Epigenetics, 6 min, 2022

Fossil pseudogene genes still in our DNA! The Genes We Lost Along the Way: //, 13 min, 2021 (PBS Eons) Ancient DNA in humans.
Virus additions to the human genome form and protect the placenta, fetus, and new born., 20 May 2023

A recent unintended loss of genes that cause disease is cultural. Vulnerability of the industrialized microbiota,

And even smaller genetic particles are being found. Viroid-like colonists of human microbiomes,

Mitochondrial DNA., 31 min, 2020, 

Jared Rutter (U. Utah, HHMI) 1: Mitochondria: The Mysterious Cellular Parasite. Circular genes.

How reading DNA has world wide implications for the practice of medicine and research finance.

"Mitochondrial DNA variation in Human Origins and Disease",, Case University, 58 min, 2017. At 40 min the variations in Human Origins derived from female mitochondria.

A Mitochondrial Etiology of Common Complex Disease, 59 min, 2018. At 5 min anatomical and Mendelian (nuclear chromosomal). At 7 min bioentergentic dysfunction (female mitochondrial).

What is life and how does it work? - with Philip Ball,, 52 min, 2024. At 0:00 min, double-helix; at 3:26, DNA sequence; at 6;53 genome; 7:58 central dogma; 9:33 readout; 13:10 non-coding; 15:05 noncoding RNA; 17:00 splicing RNA; 21:00 disordered proteins; 22:00 gene regulation; 25:30 humans; 30:30 intestines; 32:50 fingers; 35:27 causal emergence; 38:20 cognitive processing; 39:30 agency; 47:10 forms.  

                                                       Current Research 2024

Australia rock. 

3 min, 2020. First life on earth 2 - 3 billion years ago. NASA seeing is believing. Microbial mat.

Where to find ancient life now on our world? white smoker deep sea vents, temperature and pressure but not electomagnetic*, 2 min, 2021

Where to find life other than on our world?, 4 min, 2015

Bioelectric Fields at the Beginnings of Life,, abstract, 2022. Proposed cell electromagnetic skeleton.

                       This I Believe   Cultural Evolution    Factual Links     Related Topics

Educational Research 1980-1990

1.) Ice is _____ dense than water.  A) more  B) less  C) same  D) varies  E) do not know (cannot use the question to report what I know with the confidence that it will be useful in further learning). [Ice is not more dense because it is hard. It floats!]

This question was included on successive multiple-choice biweekly tests until the top response was "do not know" rather than wrong.  The question separated two groups of students. It then tested nothing. Students taking the general study class for credit marked correctly. The rest increasingly marketed, do not know.  I could never develop a presentation that changed this. Tradition overpowers education.

It took a test that encouraged the development of meaningful learning; to score for knowledge and judgment. Student scores and item difficulty were combined in my first attempts at training a computer to tutor, write tests, score, and post grades for classes in large lecture halls. 

The goal of cultural evolution research is to learn enough to promote cultural evolution beyond the basic biological-power-makes-right, to oaths and rules that are held sacred peacefully. 

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