Saturday, April 6, 2024

Cultural Evolution, Abbreviated


Richard Allen Hart, PhD    6 Dec 1930—(18 MAR 2024)

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[Sample 10-50 Minute Presentation Cut from Blog for Your Use]

CAUTION If you have not had the opportunity to learn to hold more than one view of a situation in mind without the need to destroy all others, you may erroneously assume to be offended or at risk. PLEASE first read “This I Believe-Classical”. Ideas and beliefs can exist above the level of natural brute force behavior and biological evolution. Your original beliefs can be enriched by a changing lifetime environment. Different beliefs can thrive (coexist) when they do no harm.

The part that God has in directed evolution must now be examined in this newly found world of nanobiology. The cost to cure sickle cell anemia (video 13 min, 2024) is now between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 and takes 1 year of periodic readily available hospital visits.

Nanobiology clipsThe human cell5 minStrange motor proteinloop. Tiny molecular machines6 min, that can react with the speed of light and rotate as fast as a jet engine. One 20-year human generation equals 350,000 microbe generations! This is in contrast to macroevolution that is too slow to be observed directly. Wikipedia microevolution is where evolution must take place.


Harvard (BioVisions) Inner Life of the Cell with Music min, 2022, with titles. With narration: min, 2022. With neither: min, 2012. 

Your Body's Molecular Machines min, 2018. 

How these Animations were Made, DNA animation (2002-2014) by Drew Berry and Etsuko Uno, 7 min, 2019, very good.  Size and time (speed).

Newer DNA Sequencing

How does the Oxford Nanopore Work?, 2 min, 2016, super good video of the artificial cell wall pore, and motor protein. 

Bioengenineered cell membrane natural sized nanopores that transport a single strand of RNA or DNA through an electric field that detects each nucleotide in a DNA strand in about ten minutes. No dyes needed. how nanopore sequencing works2 min, 2019, very good.

How does nanopore DNA sequencing work? min, 2024 company edition, super good. DNA Damage Response, 4 min, 2018, a breast cancer cure. DNA is damaged thousands of times a dayThe DNA polymerase protein molecules are in such a high concentration they can repair damage almost instantly. DNA polymerase DNA replication png3 min, 2015, 3D film. The repair operation is the same thing done on the lagging DNA strand. Run the film again to verify.

 Current Research 2024

Australia rock. 

3 min, 2020. First life on earth 2 - 3 billion years ago. NASA seeing is believing. Microbial mat.

Where to find ancient life now on our world? white smoker deep sea vents, temperature and pressure. min, 2021

Where to find life other than on our world? min, 2015

We know the Old Testament. A correcting, more powerful, story is told in the New Testament.  I believe the time has come for a newer more complete story that includes God's secret nano world (scroll to genetics). It does not limit the power of the concept of god or the way god works. It allows living in peace in a mature religious/spiritual (R/S) world visualized by science. 

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  Epilogue (at end of Related Topics)

Biological evolution follows two basic rules: (8 Mar 2024)
1. A supportive environment (niche).
2. A self reproducing entity with variation (errors). 

Cultural evolution adds two more basic rules:
3. Spiritual-and-religious. Unverifiable single beliefs.
4. Science. Verifiable and verified group beliefs.

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