Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fourth Cell Organelle Found

  UCYN-A the Fourth Cell Organelle Found

Indexed by Richard A. Hart, PhD

1 May 2024

Organelles as they appeared over billions of years.

Blue, nucleus, by cell wall folding, 2 Billion years ago.

Green, mitochondria, a bacterium, 1B, energy as ATP.

Lilac, chloroplast, a cyanobacteria, 1B, photosynthesis. 

Cyannitroplast, 100 million years ago and reported just two weeks ago. Changes nitrogen in the air to ammonia that plants can use. Nitrogen fertilizer costs about $100 per acre for corn and soybeans about half that amount. 

Microscopic view of Braarudosphaera bigelowii

  Four Organelles and Flagella     Black arrow is pointing to nitroplast  (Credit: Tyler Coale)


Google the above site and view three stages of the algal cell in division.


1.     UCYN-A relies on proteins from its host cells.”


2.     the process of replication and division of the algal host and endosymbiont is synchronized, which provided the first strong evidence” it was an organelle.


3.     round half of the proteins in UCYN-A are made by the algal host cell, then labeled with a specific amino acid sequence, which tells the cell to send them to the nitroplast.”


4.     “That’s one of the hallmarks of something moving (changing) from an endosymbiont to an organelle,” said Zehr. “They start throwing away pieces of DNA, and their genomes get smaller and smaller, and they start depending on the mother cell for those gene products – or the protein itself – to be transported into the cell (organelle).”,   human mitochondrial genome

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A list of presentation outlines used to introduce people to the nano world and related comments. Facts that support more than one friendly view.

Indexed Presentations

Ready to review and present with an Internet connection. 

01. Several eye witnesses may each report experiencing the same thing very differently until there is adequate discussion and understanding. Indexing allows picking out short sections for introduction and discussion to the point there is understanding as well as entertainment (15-60 min).
A 15-20 min introductory selection of ten items is marked.

02. The unbelievable protein motors that change energy into doing real work in the cell (15-60 min).

03. The fourth cell organelle found that makes nitrogen in the air usable in plant cells (15-25 min).

Related Comments 

01. Print a copy of the index as your presentation notes and comments.